Cinematic. Creative. Timeless

Hummingbird Nest Ranch Wedding | Los Angeles Wedding Photos

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Hummingbird Nest Ranch is well regarded as one of the most stunning wedding venues in Los Angeles.  The venue features multiple ceremony sites such as The Villa, The Sitting Bull, and the beautiful lake lawn.  Javier and Roxy chose this venue as the site where they would say their own vows to one another.  As wedding photographers, we love Hummingbird Nest Ranch because of the beautiful landscape and architecture.  Both of which contributed greatly to these beautiful wedding photos!

The proposal

Javier and Roxy first started dating in Maui.  After a couple of years, they also got engaged on the beautiful island.  While they had dated for a while, Roxy did not think that Javier would be proposing on this trip. Roxy’s family was not present with them, and she knew that they would be so upset to miss that moment.  Only Javier’s family had made the trip with them to Maui.

Or so she thought…..

For their proposal, Javier walked Roxy down on the beach.  Javier had set up an array of candles in the shape of a heart.  He then placed a gorgeous blue Jimmy Choo shoe inside of a glass jar next to a photo of their puppy.  Next to the glass jar there was a note.  It read, “Will you be my forever Cinderella?” 

After seeing this arrangement, Roxy turned around, heart racing as she just realized what was going on to see Javier on one knee, his hand outstretched toward her holding an engagement ring.  

Once the engagement ring was revealed, Javier’s family walked out from the path leading to the beach…..along with Roxy’s family as well.  Javier then asked Roxy for her hand in marriage in what she described as “The Best Moment EVER.”  Javier had flown Roxy’s family out to Maui in order to enjoy this incredible moment with her.

Way to raise the bar for men everywhere Javier……Well played.


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Dallas Wedding Photographer

Since 2011, we have captured weddings all around the world. We are storytellers, and have a passion for capturing moments.